Vaibhav Sisinty ~ Crazyhead
On the note of our 1st Anniversary we are launching a series of 100 interviews over the next 6 months with 100 entrepreneurs and Vaibhav Sisinty ~ a dear friend will be part of the same !!!!
This is what Vaibhav replied to our team when we asked him his views on Entrepreneurship and about himself and his ambitions.
Q. What’s your company about? What do you do?
A. YO! I am the Co-Founder and CEO of CrazyHead Solutions.
CrazyHeads is web cum educational based startup which i run from GUSAC, student activity center of GITAM University ( my college ). It mainly is divided into three partitions :
Web & Digital Marketing Services
Web services include services like, Web designing, web development, SEO, Online marketing, Social Media Marketing, Branding, Animated Explanations etc. We have been called as, ” One of the best upcoming startups ” by Indian Express. CrazyHeads from its inception had more than 22 clients from different parts of the world.
CHS Workshops is the venture which takes care of workshops for CrazyHeads where we offer different workshops on various upcoming technologies in different colleges. Workshops on Information Security, Web Dev, SEO, Graphic Designing, Game Designing, App Dev etc are the workshops we provide. We have given more than 11 workshops in last 9 months and have trained more than 3000 students on various technologies.
Q. What’s the greatest thing about your company? Why is it better than the competition?
A. The greatest thing about the company is the work and the output we give, and the best part…its all done by students. So, the coolest and the greatest part is the fact that work done in the company is completely coded and designed by students.
There are tons of Companies which provide the same services but CrazyHeads is completely different. The output comes from young brains and real hard work, that is the reason our clients have rated us more than 3.7/4 on an average, we provide unique and quality solutions.
Q. How many people did you start the company with and how many people work for you now?
A. CrazyHeads was founded by four engineering students of different backgrounds and now the team has more than 40 working members.
Q. A lot of people have big ideas. What gave you the confidence to actually go after yours?
A. The idea behind starting CrazyHeads was simple. I had been a Freelancer for more than 2 years and thought that all the work that is being done can be done as a UNIT and under a name due to which i can even get local clients and the work flow will increase. I wanted my juniors to learn skills, so i thought of building a platform where we can teach my juniors and they can get the work done for the clients. It will act as projects for juniors and the output will be good.
i had this gut feeling of starting something of my own right from my childhood, i have started so my kiddish business even when i didn’t know what entrepreneurship was all about.
I feel every big problem is a untapped opportunity and i even know what my limitations are what can i do to solve the problem with the knowledge i have. Lets us say, if i make an avenge of starting up something related to water conservation, i know i cant give my 100% because its not my area. What i can do is i can startup a online campaign and start spreading awareness.
I believe in DO what u are BEST at, and help the world to become a better place to live.
Q. How do you picture your company in 5 years?
A. CrazyHeads is a never ending SAGA, i have started CHS with a vision, to make all the 1st and 2nd year students self-sustained so that, they don’t run for JOBS after engineering, but start their own enterprise, serving for their country.
We are trying to place this model in as many cities as possible, we are successful in reaching 4 cities in India, Vizag, Hyderabad, Berhampur, and Bhubaneswar. Looking to scale up to every major city in India. The model is highly scalable because every city has colleges and students. So, by the end of 5 years we should reach at least 25 cities in India.
Q. How’d you fund this venture? VC? Self-funding? Crowdfunded?
A. CrazyHeads is bootstrapped.
Q. Do you consider yourself a successful entrepreneur? If not, what’ll make you feel successful?
A. NO, definitely not. Its a long way to go. Once i see people are growing and doing good in their careers because of initial support of CrazyHeads, that will make me feel successful 🙂
Q. What made you motivated to join the entrepreneurship community?
A. haha! Well i should say when i was very young, to be frank i was in 2nd or 3rd grade, i managed to convince a friend of mine to exchange a expensive pen for some pencils where my profit was more than 200%. Then i started selling FUNSKOOL BEYBLADES to my fellow classmates and other school fellas, they didn’t know where i used to get em from. I have also traded with Zenga Cards ( Pokemon cards used to come for free with uncle chips ). So there are many instatces like the above ones which made me relaise that i cant work under anyone, i am not going to be a job seeker but a job giver.
So, i feel i was born to be an ENTREPRENEUR .
Q. What are the major portfolio fields which you are handling?
A. Web designing, Brand Identity, SEO, Online Marketing, Animated Explanations Mobile App Developments
Q. What difficulties do student startups face generally?
Biggest problem is motivation, and then comes financial AID.This can only get better if the support from the Society actually comes. 🙂
Q. What other advice do you have for other entrepreneurs struggling to get started?
A. Keep working and never give up. Work for your passion but not FAME!
Startup when you are actually ready, not when you feel you are.
You can connect with Vaibhav on his Website – www.CrazyHeads.co and Personal Blog – www.itsvaibhav.in